

What is the essence and mindset of your brand? See how brands shape their own personality and how it influences their view of the world, and their customers.

The rebellious creator

Rebellious creators are visionaries with a calling to change the world. They are not here to be liked, they are here to create things that make a difference. They define themselves, not by their job title, but by the impact they make.

They cannot be put into a single mold as they come from all backgrounds. They are artists, musicians, historians, and even zoologists. Their rebellious spirit is what connects them and motivates them to do things differently—to stand up to the status quo.

They are fearless. They are not afraid to show who they are and what they stand for, and have even gone so far as to raise a skull-and-crossbones flag above their headquarters. They cannot be deterred or ignored, and they are never going away.

They are the crazy ones.

The gracious and generous caregiver

These caregivers have the spirit of a servant. As humble stewards guided by traditional Christian values, they believe in being respectful, prudent, patient, loving, forgiving, and generous. With an always clean and neat appearance, they hold themselves to a high standard of excellence, working hard and continually striving to do better. People are drawn to their cheerfulness, warmth, and positivity. In return, they welcome everyone into their lives with grace, hospitality, and a sincere smile.

The smart, creative, and optimistic sage

These sages see themselves as both "smart creatives" and "technology optimists" who believe in the power of technology and shared information to make the world a better place.

As technology optimists, "where others see a dystopian future like The Matrix, we see Dr. Leonard McCoy curing the Saurian virus with a wave of his tricorder...We see most big problems as information problems, which means that with enough data and the ability to crunch it, virtually any challenge facing humanity today can be solved. We think computers will serve at the behest of people—all people—to make their lives better and easier."

As smart creatives, they are analytically smart, competitive, and know that greatness doesn't always happen between 9 and 5. They are not afraid to fail, and are always questioning the status quo. They are empathetic and value collaboration. Fundamentally, they all possess business savvy, technical knowledge, creative energy, and a hands-on approach to getting things done.

The friendly creator

Nicknamed 'My LEGO friend,' these creators have vivid imaginations, are curious, and like to try out new experiences. They are comfortable adapting to different roles and are never bothered by the little things. They are friendly, approachable, and truly care about empowering others to explore, imagine, and succeed. They find meaning in bringing people together and their fun, energetic, and optimistic spirit makes everyone love being around them.

The activist explorer

These free-thinking explorers are dirtbags who seek adventure, self-discovery, and a simple life. They love to spend as much time as possible in the mountains or the wild and feel more at home in a base camp or on the river than they do in an office. They have a deep respect for the environment and passionately fight to preserve the world around them.

The respected and admired caregiver

These caregivers are "gracious, generous, and humble" leaders and true Ladies and Gentlemen. People are drawn to them because of the warmth and compassion they show for others. Ladies and Gentlemen are highly observant and use their keen intuition to fulfill the unexpressed needs of the ones they serve in unique and creative ways. They have a timeless style that is always sophisticated and relevant while never being trendy.

Good neighbors with a Warrior Spirit and a Servant's Heart

These good neighbors are filled with warmth, positivity, and compassion—they are never corporate. Empathetic and completely uninhibited, they "believe that the business of business is to make a profit by serving people and making life more fun."

They are mavericks with an invincible spirit of courage and perserverance. They believe that if they just work hard enough, if they are just different enough, and if they just care enough, they can overcome any adversity.

Not following conventional rules is in their DNA, and they are here to make legacy airlines uncomfortable. They are smart, provocative, bold, modern, energetic, innovative, and guide every decision by living out these three promises:

  • I will demonstrate my Warrior Spirit by striving to be my best and never giving up.
  • I will show my Servant's Heart by delivering Legendary Customer Service and treating others with respect (following The Golden Rule).
  • I will express my Fun-LUVing Attitude by not taking myself too seriously and embracing my Southwest Family

The passionate and knowledgeable innocent

Innocents are optimists who want to bring people together through moments of happiness. Equipped with a passion for coffee and a desire to share their passion and knowledge with others, Starbucks looks to "incorporate beautiful, expressive moments with calm confidence through every interaction." They pride themselves on being genuine, thoughtful, and expressive and "believe in the power of both coffee and art to connect people and communities."

The knowledgeable explorer

These knowledgeable explorers see themselves as "traders on the culinary seas, searching the world over for cool items to bring home to (their) customers." Their passion for knowledge and adventure reinforces their belief that people can't truly understand what is happening in the world unless they travel.

While they give off a stress-free, whimsical air, this isn't them trying to "play it cool." It's just who they are: Independently-minded people who do not follow trends but set them. They are not concerned about being liked by everyone. In fact, you "might think of Trader Joe's as one of the more esoteric cable channels," that is only understood or intended for a select few. Their style may be unpolished and unrepossessing at first glance, based on their Hawaiian shirts and funky handwritten signs, but they are filled with warmth, friendliness, fun, individual pride, and company spirit.

The agile and community-focused caregiver

These caregivers are focused on helping others succeed. Motivated to look out for the needs of the people and small businesses in their neighborhood, they act with a sense of urgency and intensity. As trusted advisors to those they serve, they pride themselves on being friendly, warm, knowledgeable, professional, and joyful. Their energy and positive passion are contagious, and they are not afraid of standing out from the crowd, even if that means being quirky and corny at times.

The fun, helpful, slightly irreverent, and always optimistic neighbor

These good neighbors make jokes, play, have fun, and always return what they borrow with a thank you note—and maybe a bottle of wine.

While they are not afraid to break the rules a little, they only do so as a way to help others. In fact, they will pretty much do whatever they can to solve a problem, even if that means trying to help someone find an open pizzeria at 2am. At their core, they have a positive and optimistic attitude about everything because the best way to inspire others is to have an inspirational attitude yourself.