Without being able to effectively measure the success of your products or services, it will be impossible to know if your choices were right, wrong, or somewhere in the middle. To solve for this, Google measures the quality of the user experience using the HEART method:
How to use the HEART method:
See an example of the HEART method in action.
High satisfaction scores only tell you if customers are happy, not if they are loyal to your brand. So, The Ritz-Carlton began measuring customer engagement with Gallup's CE11 survey and employee engagement with Gallup's Q12 survey. By measuring both employee and customer engagement holistically, which Gallup refers to as HumanSigma, The Ritz-Carlton started to see the direct effect that employee engagement had on the customer experience.
The Ritz-Carton staff are provided Guest Preference Pads, so they can write down notes about guests and later upload them to their customer relationship management (CRM) database. Any problem encountered or preference expressed, gets written down. Staff even do a quick Google search of guests to add their pictures to the database.
All of this information is then shared with staff during the morning lineup to help prepare for the day. The staff also are fed information through ear piece radios to help welcome guests by name and to make their stay more personal.
To prove to themselves that they are continually improving in service, Umpqua Bank began measuring customer and staff service quality. The scores are calculated each month, teams are ranked, and the results are posted for everyone.
The goal is to reward team performance, not individual accomplishment. The winning store and department both receive a crystal trophy that they proudly display until it moves on to the next winner the following month. Any store or department that ranks poorly for some time is asked to develop an improvement plan and then is held accountable for implementing it.
Store Return on Quality (ROQ) Measurements
Department Return on Quality Measurements
Departments at Umpqua each have developed service-level agreements (SLA) with one another. These agreements include standards such as turnaround time. Every associate who interacts with a specific department provides both positive and negative feedback to that department with an SLA survey.
Zappos sets a goal of answering 80% of incoming calls within 20 seconds. And although they are quick to answer, the rest of the call is set to the customer's pace with some calls lasting hours.
To keep up a quick response time, all employees are expected to take customer calls during peak times of the year, including the CEO. Luckily for Zapponians, they all have already been trained on how to do this during their onboarding process.
It might not literally take 5 seconds, but the Zappos Five Second Happiness Survey comes close. Every month Zappos employees are surveyed to measure their happiness levels. Zapponians answer these five questions with a response of either 'definitely,' 'sometimes,' or 'not at all,' along with an option to leave comments:
The survey is anonymous but anyone who chooses to sign their name is personally responded to by the Zappos leadership team. With an average response rate of 60 to 85%, results are calculated within a week. All scores and comments (good and bad) are shared with the entire company. Included in the report, Zapponians are updated on any changes that came about as a result of past surveys.